- Companies
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

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Project feedback

Project feedback

Project feedback

Recent projects

LevelUP - Phase III - Design Team for 'Playbook' (community-based research)
This is Phase III of an Edmonton based research project. Goal: The goal of this phase is to find design students who will help draft a printable template for a playbook as the 'final step' of a community based research project. Background: During the Fall 2021 term, students from MacEwan's ethnographic methods class conducted and analyzed interviews with a key stakeholder working at the City of Edmonton. Our goal is to craft a template of the playbook that could be published - as part of the knowledge translation activities of this research project. Please note: You must be a Canadian citizen. Please use your MacEwan email to register

LevelUP - Exploring the Purpose of City Hall Spaces across Canada
Our Community Partner will hire local ethnographers to explore the following research questions: How can we increase feelings of connection, safety, and wellbeing for people at City Hall? What is the purpose/intentionality of City Hall? In addition to the work of these ethnographers, Dr. Long's Ethnographic Methods course in Fall 2022 will conduct a pilot study completing: (1) observational mapping and (2) interviews with key interlocuters. As a first step however, we need to first conduct some preliminary research to explore the following: How do other municipalities envision the purpose of their City Hall space? Who can use it? Why? How? When? Who enforces the rules? etc.

Design Anthropology Community Engaged Research – Pedagogy Intern
In January 2024, students from MacEwan’s 4 year applied anthropology class will embark on the final stage of community engaged research with our community partner, the John L. Haar Library. Amber Shergill is a fourth-year student with expertise in ethnographic research methods, community engaged research, and field studies.

LevelUP - Phase II: Crafting a 'playbook' for community-based research project
This is Phase II of this research project. Past interns can reapply to continue their work on the original phase of the project (see below). To craft the draft template for a playbook as the 'final step' of a community based research project. During the Fall 2021 term, students from MacEwan's ethnographic methods class conducted and analyzed interviews with a key stakeholder working at the City of Edmonton. Our goal is to craft a template of the playbook that could be published - as part of the knowledge translation activities of this research project. Please note: You must be a Canadian citizen. Please use your MacEwan email to register